Jane Hansen-Hoyt, International President

“Aglow cares about women. We are a unique ministry by women, for women… In Aglow we have a dream. We hope to see restored women and restored men walking together to express God’s love to our world….. We want to bring women to Jesus. We want to welcome half the world home to God’s Love.”

Jane Hansen-Hoyt serves as president of Aglow International, a worldwide outreach ministry that is impacting the lives of women and their families in 172 nations.

She logs more than 100,000 miles annually throughout the USA and abroad to share a message of God’s unique call to women in this significant decade. Her desire is for God’s healing and restoration to reach into women’s lives in order that they may embrace all God wills to do through them in the Body of Christ.

With that goal in mind, Jane has searched the Scriptures for many years in order to understand God’s plan to reconcile the relationship between men and women, a restoration that directly impacts the family unit as God intended it to be–the basic expression of His love and relationship on earth. The result of her search is, Fashioned for Intimacy, Reconciling Men and Women to God’s Original Design (Nov. 1997, Regal Books). Regal Books also has released her autobiography, Journey of a Woman, (1998) in which Jane shares the beginnings of her search for restoration, and for her value as a woman of God.

An ordained minister, Jane Hansen-Hoyt serves in leadership roles with organizations that also represent the Body of Christ including the National Prayer Committee, and the National Mission America Committee, as well as Mission America’s Lighthouse Movement Coordinating Council. She is a member of the advisory board for the Regent University School of Divinity, the International Reconciliation Coalition International Board, Dayspring International, and March For Jesus USA National Advisory Board.

Jane is married to Tony Hoyt and she has 3 married children.